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Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers

Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers
Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers

 Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers

"Good conversation" - that's what those who deal with customers always like to hear. Be it the salesperson, salesperson, or managing director himself, good and successful communication with customers brings orders, and sales and thus secures inventory and turnover. But what if conversations don't go as planned?

"Good rhetoric and conducting a conversation is not that easy, because in a conversation there is always an unknown personality with the conversation partner and thus a mirror that is sometimes difficult to assess," says Oliver Kerner, sales trainer, speaker, and coach from Bremen and founder by OK Training. Below he shows what the five biggest mistakes are.

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The biggest mistake you can ever make is to start every conversation the same way. If you see your customer as a run-of-the-mill person and do not respond individually to their character, wishes, or the like, you will not be able to establish good communication.

 Sometimes it's not so much about the substantive facts that are to be discussed, but very often even about the interpersonal basis. Of course, it is emphasized again and again at this point that good preparation is half the customer conversation. But that's only half the truth. Empathy, flexibility, and sincere interest are the other half here.

 Because in the end, it can't lead to anything to prepare yourself well if you don't notice during the conversation that the customer is going in a completely different direction in terms of communication,

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Mistake 2: Losing the path and goal

Now the conversation may go very well and a pleasant atmosphere is created, but the customer still does not buy or sign or come back. Then either too much information was given, too little, or the customer was fogged with unimportant small talk.

 Too much small talk and too little information often leave customers at the end of a conversation with no clarity as to whether the product or service will meet their needs. Too much information is not advisable, especially when it comes to aspects that can serve as valuable advice for potential customers.

 This is often the case when it comes to services such as handyman work, repairs, or personal development. If you reveal too much valuable know-how during the consultation,

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Mistake 3: Ignore headwinds

Such a customer conversation rarely takes the form of a monologue. At the latest when salespeople, salespeople, or managing directors have finished their presentation or entry, the customer will have their say - and that can mean a headwind.

 Criticism, skepticism, putting things to the test, or simply vetoing on principle are common methods, above all to lower the price or negotiate additional services or add-ons. Of course, the sales side would like to overcome such hurdles quickly, but it is advisable to go into these points very precisely, objectively, and individually.

 Especially in the case of critical inquiries from customers, powerful arguments or even a concession to a service that is actually not possible can be received particularly positively, provided they are presented logically and factually. There is enormous potential here to consolidate the trust factor, and it is not at all about always telling customers what they want to say.

 Rather, it is about sympathetic authenticity and humanity. Deals can also take place even though the product or service does not cover all requirements if the level of communication between seller and customer is right.


Mistake 4: Bad framework conditions

Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers
Five fatal mistakes when talking to customers

Making customers wait, choosing the channel or place that doesn't match the topic of the conversation, or frequent interruptions during the conversation are among the formal mistakes that can be made in a customer appointment.

 The framework must be appropriate to the conversation. A sensitive topic should be dealt with "face to face" in a quiet environment without interruptions, debriefings, or negotiations on a service that has already been presented can also take place over the phone.

 Basically, at on-site meetings, care should be taken to ensure a tidy and attractive environment, this also applies to clothing and state of mind. Anyone who rushes from one appointment to the next will radiate this to the other person and thus make him/her one number among, obviously, too many.

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Mistake 5: Being resistant to learning

However, the worst mistake many people make is by making the same mistakes over and over again in conversations. This resistance to learning often has a very strong personality as a background.

 A conversation with a customer is never about the interests, personality, or presentation of the person conducting the conversation, but always about the concerns, needs, and uncertainties of the customer.

 So if a discussion strategy doesn't work, the problem is not the customer, but always the strategy - this is where you have to start and optimize.

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